2017 had at least 40 self-defense gun uses (not counting uniformed police shootings) in Nevada that were documented in major media sources. The last incident was on New Years’ Eve when a man, attempting to carjack or enter an occupied vehicle, was shot. One robber was shot with his own gun. Despite one of our own (a member of the gun community) sadly succumbing to opioid addiction withdrawal and wounding by gunshot staff of a pain clinic, concealed carriers ran to the sound of gunfire ready to assist, had the shooter not taken his own life. Tragically, a security guard missed a robber and shot an innocent store clerk by mistake. Two other incidents went badly for armed citizens who injudiciously used their firearms (and their mouths). We remind everyone to get trained, know when shooting is justifiable, to keep their tempers in check, and also to never speak to the police without an attorney present. The most conservative estimate of defensive gun uses is 100,000 annually in the United States and most never result in a shot being fired. High estimates range to upwards of two million defensive gun uses. Even counting suicides and intentional non-fatal self-injuries (which are not contributor’s to the average person’s risk of interpersonal harm), firearms are used as much as, if not more often, for good than for evil. Also, unknown persons also attempted to steal police shotguns to “fight back” against possible attackers during the October 1 terrorist attack. Where evil abounds, good tends to go unnoticed or forgotten. Despite crime, horror, and tragedy, far more people are alive and safe because of guns than are killed by them. Comments are closed.
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