Sorry, no voting guide this year. It became too much for our volunteer with too little return. Short version: vote Trump for president and Republican party-line all the way down-ballot. This isn't a time for principles but basically Republicans, as weak as they may be, or turbo-communism. Voting Republican down-ballot is important to keep the state legislature (and Congress) from flipping to Democrat control. This is important in Nevada as just a few seats stand between sanity and a Democrat super-majority that can override the governor's vetoes.
For local races, check out local GOP recommendations. Sorry left-leaning voters, we can't trust Democrat-allied politicians on the Second Amendment or freedom anymore. For judges, vote "none of these" for Supreme Court (the incumbents are crapbags) and for the rest of the judicial races, you need to do your own research or simply leave them blank. I guess later this week we'll know if Nevada will go the way of California and America to communist hell. On the plus side, if the enthusiasm for Trump and Republican voting carries over, we may see a red wave, flipping the state legislature, or at least keeping the Dems from gaining near-total power. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does. No matter who wins, the hour the Second Amendment was made for approaches quickly. Make your dispositions accordingly. Comments are closed.
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